News Stories

Wireless torque sensors ensure airliners’ safety

The aerospace sector is renowned for its safety standards and a whole industry has grown up to provide equipment and services for testing aircraft and their subsystems. Airliners are subject to tremendous loads as they land and take off, from the touchdown of the undercarriage, to the back-thrust of the... Read More

News Stories

Wireless torque measurement at the heart of distribution network controller test rig

Available in other languages: The evolution of the UK’s power distribution network holds the key to harnessing the benefits of variable power sources such as wind, tidal and solar farms, as well as numerous other distributed power technologies. But connecting these various sources to the network is not without its... Read More

News Stories

Optical rotary torque sensor

Innovative medical markers capped to perfection

TorqSense transducers are playing a vital role in packing leading edge medical test kits at Axis-Shield in Dundee, which develops new diagnostic compounds that help with the early identification and management of critical illnesses. Axis-Shield is a world leader in inventing new markers for identifying cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, rheumatoid... Read More

News Stories

Mass market electric vehicles getting revved up for launch

Saietta Group Ltd is a UK based research and development company which designs motors for light-weight electric vehicle (EV) propulsion. The company’s latest innovation is the ‘S-AC’ which is an ultra-efficient brushless axial-flux AC motor. It boasts extreme efficiency levels at high torques from low speed onwards. S-AC is designed... Read More

News Stories

Optical rotary torque sensor

Early move positions sensor maker for high tech success

Export enthusiast Sensor Technology Ltd has made a pre-emptive move to build a strong business base in the Indian city of Chennai, where one of the world’s largest high technology business zones is currently under construction. Called Mahindra World City, the zone already employs over 25,000 people and hosts companies... Read More

News Stories

ORT230/240 series transducer

Torquing up success at Formula Student

High performance electric cars are being developed across Europe for Formula Student, an engineering education competition like no other. The team from Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal may have a secret weapon in the form of a test bench based upon a wireless torque sensor. Formula Student (FS) aims to... Read More

News Stories

ORT230/240 series transducer

World-leading pharmaceutical developer turns to TorqSense

Available in other languages: TorqSense transducers are used to ensure caps are being properly fitted to pharmaceutical bottles in a high speed packaging line run by the Almac Group at its global headquarters in Craigavon, Northern Ireland. The Almac Group is a pharmaceutical and biotech development and manufacturing organisation. Founded... Read More

News Stories

Non-contact technology simplifies torque monitoring and aids efficiency

Monitoring torque in a drive shaft is one of the best ways of assessing the performance of plant and machinery. However because drive shafts rotate, hard wiring a sensor into place usually requires the use of a delicate slip ring. An alternative solution is to use a non-contact radio frequency... Read More

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