News Stories

ORT230/240 series transducer

Pump and valve innovator finds a test rig technology that talks the torque

To analyse the long term performance and reliability of hard working valves and pumps, serial innovators Manchester-based Bifold Group has adopted radio frequency based torque transducers from Sensor Technology Ltd for two of its specialist test rigs. An inter-generational commitment to advancing science and engineering has seen Bifold transform from... Read More

News Stories

Torque transducers on test rig help test advanced electric and hybrid powertrains

Wireless rotary torque transducers from Sensor Technology Ltd are at the heart of a test rig to develop next generation technologies for electric and hybrid vehicle powertrains. With unique expertise in the electric motors and electronics used across the key powertrain technologies, AVID Technology relies on the innovative torque transducers as part... Read More

News Stories

ORT230/240 series transducer

Wireless rig tests medium altitude long endurance drone controls

A test rig for putting the next generation of controls for medium altitude long endurance (MALE) drones through their paces has being developed by an independent electronics design company on the Welsh borders. The rig was developed especially for this project and will be dismantled after use. However, the precision... Read More

News Stories

RWT430/440 series transducer

Driving efficiency into electric vehicle R&D with wireless torque sensor

Sevcon in Gateshead, which designs and manufactures high-quality motor controllers and system components for hybrid and electric vehicles, has driven efficiency into its equipment testing regimes by standardising TorqSense transducers from Sensor Technology of Banbury. The stakes are high in the race to develop electric and hybrid vehicle technologies, with the... Read More

News Stories

Electric vehicle pioneer favours wireless test rigs

A company that has been at the forefront of electric vehicle design and development for over 20 years has supplied a test rig based on a wireless torque sensor to a world renowned UK University automotive research facility. Based in Fareham, Hants, Tirius has been built on pioneering work on... Read More

News Stories

Range of RWT torque sensors

Talking the torque at Hannover

Sensor Technology Ltd, the UK manufacturer of wireless torque and load sensors and strain gauge amplifiers is expecting this year’s Hannover Messe, (24-28 April 2017) to generate several potential new clients and also some new distributors. The company will be showing its full range of products and capabilities on its... Read More

News Stories

Reliable torque sensing at low speed or low capacity

In the selection of a rotary torque sensor for a given application, the datasheets for particular products are often a good place to start, detailing the maximum torque capacity and maximum speed for the technologies under consideration. Those figures on the datasheet won’t necessarily guide you towards the right product... Read More

News Stories

LoadSense Wireless Load Sensor

Lifting is going wireless

New wireless control technologies are being adopted by manufacturers and users of cranes and other lifting equipment. Tony Ingham of Sensor Technology Ltd explains the advantages and looks at how the field is developing. Most of us find it odd to look back five or ten years to when our... Read More

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