German Manufacturers Talk Sense

British innovation looks set to storm through Germany industry, following the massive interest generated by the launch of Sensor Technology’s new non-contact torque sensor at the Hannover Fair. To date measuring torque in a rotating shaft has involved complicated engineering to set up a system of slip rings or other... Read More

RWT series torque sensor

Ein Neuer Drehmoment-Sensor Wird Die Maschinensteurung Revolutionieren

Available in other languages:       Mit der Vorstellung der von der Firma Sensor Technology Ltd. entwickelten TorqSense Drehmoment-Messwertwandlern der Baureihe RWT310/320 anlässlich der MTEC Ausstellung in Birmingham, England, und der Hannovermesse, wurde Maschinenkonstrukteuren eine bedeutende neue Technologie zur Messung der Leistung an Antriebswellen und rotierenden Maschinenteilen vorgestellt Im Gegensatz zu... Read More

New Torque Sensor Will Revolutionise Machine Control

Available in other languages:       Machine designers have been presented with a significant new technology for measuring power in drive shafts and other rotating machine elements, following the launch of the RWT310/320 series of TorqSense Rotary Torque Sensors by developers Sensor Technology Ltd. Unlike traditional slip ring transducers, the RWT... Read More

RWT series torque sensor

Революционные изменения в управлении механическими системами благодаря новому датчику измерения крутящего момента

Available in other languages:       Дизайнеры оборудованияполучили в свои руки совершенно новую технологию по измерению крутящего момента в валах и других вращающихся частях машин. На выставках MTEC в Бирмингеме и Ганноверской ярмарке в Германии была представлена новая серия фирмой – изготовителем TorqSense Rotary Torque Sensors отделением компании Sensor Technology Ltd... Read More

RWT series torque sensor

Un Nuovo Sensore Di Torsione Rivoluziona Il Controllo Delle Macchine

Available in other languages:       Alla fiera MTEC di Birmingham e alla Hannover Messe in Germania, i designer di macchine hanno assistito alla presentazione di una nuova tecnologia significativa per la misurazione della potenza di alberi motore ed altri elementi rotanti delle macchine, con il lancio della serie RWT310/320 dei... Read More

RWT series torque sensor

Nuevo Sensor De Torque Reoluvionara El Control De Maquinas

Available in other languages:       El lanzamiento de la serie RWT310/320 de sensores de torque rotativo TorqSense, desarrollada por Sensor Technology Ltd, en la Exhibición MTEC de Birmingham y la Feria de Hannover en Alemania significó la presentación a los diseñadores de maquinaria de una nueva e importante tecnología para... Read More

RWT series torque sensor

Un Nouveau Couplemetre Va Revolutionner La Commande Des Machines

Available in other languages:       Il a été présenté aux concepteurs de machines une nouvelle technologie significative pour la mesure de la puissance des arbres d’entraînement et des autres éléments de machines en rotation, après le lancement de la série RWT310/320 des couplemètres rotatifs TorqSense par les développeurs de Sensor... Read More

RWT series torque sensor

Novo Sensor Binario Ira Revolucionar O Controlo De Maquinas

Available in other languages:       Foi apresentada uma importante nova tecnologia, aos desenhadores de máquinas, para a medição da potência em veios de transmissão e outros elementos rotativos de máquinas, na sequência do lançamento das séries RWT310/320 de Sensores Binários Rotativos TorqSense pelos criadores da Sensor Technology Ltd na Exposição... Read More

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